"The line is broken by the war..."
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A book exhibition dedicated to the participants of the Battle of Stalingrad will be organized in the Krugopol Village Library. The exhibition is dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the victorious completion of the Battle of Stalingrad. On the first day of the war , at a writers ' rally in Moscow , they decided: "Every Soviet writer is ready to give all his strength, all his blood, if necessary, to the cause of the holy people's war against the enemies of our Motherland!" No country during the Second World War received such support from its literature as Russia, such a charge of fighting energy, hatred of fascism. Over a thousand Soviet writers participated in the Great Patriotic War as military journalists, commanders, political workers, "people's avengers". Equating the pen to the bayonet, the war opened the way to the front for both the elders of the writers' workshop and its recruits. Many of the future writers began with journalistic activities in newspapers of fronts, armies, divisions.