"Heroes of our village"
Бетькинская СБ
Start date:
Sat 07 December 2024 10:00
End date:
Sat 07 December 2024 11:00
1 ч.
Age category:
литературная гостинная
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Heroes of the Fatherland Day is celebrated in Russia on December 9. The commemorative date is dedicated to the establishment of the Order of St. George in 1769. This honorable award was given to soldiers who showed special courage, bravery and bravery in battle.
Today is the Day of Heroes of the Fatherland – a tribute to those who were awarded the titles of Heroes of the USSR and Russia, as well as the Orders of Glory and St. George. The date was set in February 2007 by Russian President Vladimir Putin. It was intended that on this holiday, Russians not only pay tribute to the memory of their ancestors who performed feats, but also honor the living heroes of our Motherland.