The history of the library
Since 1961, conducts the history of the city of Nizhnekamsk. In the fall of 1961. In the village of the Builders has opened a public library, since then and until today, for 54 years, called No. 1. The first room was an area of 19 m2, the first librarians Ledneva and Akhatova. Within 35 working days of 1961, the library has served 262 reader, 1053 issued copies of the book. The book Fund was 2217 copies For six months of 1962, the Foundation has grown to 7218 copy, readers 705, delivery of books 8097. Was an alphabetical directory. By the end of 1962, the library received a room of 40 m2.
From 1962-1968. he directed the library Rafikova M. G.
From 1968-1976. the head was M. S. Ivanov
To centralize 1976 the Size of the library increased to 90 m2. By this time the Fund was already 25092 ind., served 3000 readers, the books consisted of 55,000. Rose and the team up to four people.
The first municipal library in the village of the Builders worked in the most difficult conditions. After all, there has remained a barrack built in 60-ies. The number of readers decreases as the villagers get comfortable housing in the city. Library several times to change the room, wanting to improve the conditions changed frequently and managers. These were:
- Zarechneva Valentina 1976 gg.
- Lapenkov; Valentina Egorovna from 1978 to 1982.
- Lyudmila Savelyeva kondratyevna from 1982 to 1987.
- Vdovkina RESEDA Salikhova from 1987 to 1995.
In 1995 the library moved to a new large room in a school building of school No. 4, on the second floor. The new team headed by Secureway Turbanlike the Safina (experienced worker library system). Work with regional club "LCI", serves readers in the 7 points of issue.
Since 2000., in connection with the retirement of Secureway K. H., management of the library takes Shagisultanova RESEDA Ravilevna. Library lives a full active life, continuing to work in all directions, keeping pace with the times.
1 September 2004 on the basis of school №4 was opened cadet school, which immediately became the object of maintenance of the library. Cadets not only been able to borrow books and periodicals, but also to participate in many activities.
2008 – a new page in the history of branch # 1.The library moved to the city. The first of December, the library opened its doors to readers on the new address: PR. Vakhitova, 7.
The library was headed by Sibgatullin Elizabeth I. (library experience – 25years,)new team:
Ayupova Lily Z. R. - chief librarian of reading room, library experience – 14years.
Gainutdinova leysan knotted – librarian subscription.;
Gudoshnikova Olga Stanislavovna – a librarian of reading room;
Shabaeva Lilia Shamsutdinova – librarian subscription library experience had.
On 01/01/2015 of the year the Fund amounted to $ 16196 books and more than 50 journals and Newspapers, including the Tatar language – 14.
With 2011 in the library in order to innovative technologies installed under the Federal program RT free Internet, which opens new perspectives for modern libraries in the information space.
The library was designed with a heavy emphasis on social partnership and networking with organizations, institutions and citizens of the town and district. The work is conducted in close collaboration with the CTOC district No. 9, children's home, a health centre, Mercy, schools № 11,12,16 Tatar gymnasium №1, city Museum, etc. Since 2014 when the library is working pensioners club "take pride". The main direction of the club - the healthy way of life.
Individual work is carried out according to the personal characteristics of each reader. The main task that the reader has taken "his" book, that is available to him on the level of reading, appropriate to their interests and real needs. For example, a special individual approach is required when working with older readers. It is important for them chat with a librarian, attention and respect. Specifically, every elderly person is interviewed by entries in the library reference interview in the selection of literature, conversations about books.