Opening of the exhibition "Light of Islamic paintings"
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In the Small Art Gallery of the Central City Library on June 26 at 16 o'clock, the opening day of Alsu Hisamieva will take place. Alsu Gabidullovna graduated from the School of Art No. 1, later NGPI art and Graphic Faculty. Since 2020, she has started working in a new direction - shamaili made of epoxy resin using calligraphy carved on wood, plexiglass. Shamaili are paintings with Islamic inscriptions or verses from the holy book of Muslims - the Koran, which are made in a beautiful script of Arabic calligraphy. She dedicated her first exhibition to the Muslim holiday, Eid al-Adha, which is celebrated on June 28. We invite everyone to visit the exhibition. Information by phone: 70-02-26