«A team of brave guys»
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The gallery of literary images of A. p. Gaidar will open its doors in the library-branch No. 10. At the beginning of the event dedicated to the 115th anniversary of the birth of the writer, young readers will learn about his childhood, his military youth, his participation in the Civil and great Patriotic wars.
Moving on to the main part of the event, the librarian together with students will address the heroes of A. p. Gaidar's books. On the examples of the heroes of Gaidar's works, the participants will discuss such character traits as camaraderie, patriotism, collectivism, mutual respect and empathy. Then young readers will answer the quiz questions on the book "Timur and his team", solve the crossword puzzle on the works of the writer. The event will be accompanied by a presentation and excerpts from the film "Timur and his team".