The First Lady of the Universe
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Cosmonautics is usually associated with men. However, the history of the cosmonaut squad, consisting of representatives of the "weaker sex", has been going on for 50 years. One of them is Valentina Tereshkova, a simple girl from a peasant family who soared to the stars and became a legend.
In March, the first female cosmonaut Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkova turned 85 years old. The oral journal will help the participants of the event to turn over the pages of the life and space path of Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkova. Guests of the library will learn how the selection for the first cosmonaut squad among women took place, what were the features of flight preparation, watch a video about the historical flight of Valentina Tereshkova.
At the end of the event, the participants will have an entertaining "space" quiz.