Калмашская сельская библиотека - филиал № 9
  • Web site: http://kitap.tatar.ru//ru//accounts|login
  • Phone: 8(8552)37-71-24
  • E-mail: zinfira.mannapova@bk.ru
  • Address: 423886, РТ, Тукаевский район, с. Калмаш , ул. Центральная, д. 32 E-mail : zinfira.mannapova@bk.ru 423886, РТ, Тукай районы, Калмаш авылы, Үзәк урамы, 32 нче йорт E-mail: zinfira.mannapova@bk.ru 423886, RT, Tukai region, village of Kalmacs, street Central, d. 32 E-mail: zinfira.mannapova@bk.ru

winter fun

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The cold season is not a reason to stay at home. The winter frosty air does not contain dust and is saturated with oxygen. Daily walks will help strengthen the immune system and the child's body, harden and lift the mood. Children enjoy spending time outdoors, especially if they are offered interesting games. Loose, sticky snow is a great building material! You can build anything from it, but the first thing the kids do is make a snowman. By the way, the tradition of making a snow hero came to us from ancient times. Going outside to make a snowman, take with you items to decorate the winter old-timers. And so that he will not be bored, we will make a whole family of snowmen and take a picture with them as a souvenir! By the way, January 18 is the birthday of the snowman. Be sure to celebrate this unusual winter holiday with us!