Ильбухтинская сельская библиотека - филиал № 7

"The flag of Russia is our pride"

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At the master classes, children will be able to make original gifts and souvenirs for the holiday with their own hands. Like every country, Russia has its own symbols. At the beginning of the event, the librarian will talk about the symbols. This is the National Anthem, the Coat of Arms and, of course, the Flag. Any solemn event begins with the raising of the flag and the sound of the national anthem. The flag is the most important attribute for each country – it unites residents and serves as an identification sign of the state. The Russian flag has a very interesting history. In the old days, the flag was not similar to the modern one and had a different name — "banner", from the phrase "to pull to yourself". His main purpose was to gather warriors to protect his native land.