Староабдуловская сельская библиотека - филиал № 30

Gagarin is 90 years old!

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On March 9, 1934, a man was born who was the first in world history to fly into outer space. Everyone knows his name — Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin (1934-1968). His titles and regalia are countless! Gagarin's flight opened up opportunities for space exploration and exploration in the interests of people all over the globe. The book exhibition with an overview of the 90th anniversary of the birth of Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin will feature books based on memories, judgments, historical facts, sketches related to Yuri Gagarin, his views on his life. The book is an album about a man on planet Earth, who was the first to step over the edge of the cosmic unknown, about his life and love, vocation and ideals, the book "108 minutes and the whole life", which was written by his wife and friend cosmonaut Valentina Gagarina. All books are intended for a wide range of readers