Бетькинская сельская библиотека - филиал № 3

"He lived in people's joy and pain..."

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Vasily Shukshin is a unique phenomenon of Russian culture: a great writer, a brilliant actor, a director beloved by the people. Each of his creations, whether books or films, make us think about the serious problems of our time, about life, about human behavior and his actions. 
"Vasily Makarovich Shukshin broke out on the horizon of culture as a dazzlingly pure, bright star, a downright fabulous scattering of talents. A writer, novelist and playwright, director of large folk paintings, an amazing, unique artist who knows how to tell such a necessary truth about an ordinary person in the most ordinary intonation that millions of hearts stopped in a single rush. Vasily Shukshin was given such happiness." - Pyotr Proskurin wrote about him.