Бетькинская сельская библиотека - филиал № 3

"Aibolit" is 95 years old.

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In 2024, K.I. Chukovsky's book "Aibolit" will be 95 years old. The children's fairy tale in verse "Aibolit" by Korney Chukovsky is one of the most famous children's works by the author, published in 1929. It so happened that the frightened cry of the patient "Ah! It hurts!" turned into the name of the kindest fairy-tale doctor, who rushes to help the sick through snow and hail, overcomes many obstacles on the way, and treats not only pills, but also sweets! Starting from a young age, children get acquainted with the work of K. I. Chukovsky, and one of their favorite works, of course, is "Aibolit". Children not only listen to this fairy tale with interest, but also with pleasure transform into its characters, trying to convey their character.