Яна-Булякская сельская библиотека - филиал № 27

Future defenders of the Fatherland

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For several decades, on February 23, we have been celebrating the Defender of the Fatherland Day. February 23 is the day of Russia's military glory, which Russian troops gained on the battlefields. Initially, this day has a huge meaning – to love, honor and defend your Homeland, and, if necessary, to be able to defend it with dignity. On the eve of this holiday, a quest game will be held in the library. The quest program will be diverse, developed taking into account the relevance of civil-patriotic education of children, will include tasks aimed not only at developing the intellectual abilities of participants, but also at forming moral and heroic-patriotic qualities in them. The quest tasks will be aimed at checking and consolidating historical and literary knowledge, revealing knowledge of military vocabulary terms