Яна-Булякская сельская библиотека - филиал № 27

Together against corruption

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On December 9, the International Anti-Corruption Day is celebrated. It was proclaimed by the UN General Assembly resolution of November 21, 2003. The library will host a round table dedicated to this date. The purpose of the event is to identify the attitude of the population to the level of corruption and predisposition to it. The librarian will tell about the history of the origin of this date, about a complex phenomenon that affects all countries and regions. During the conversation, we will consider the concept of "corruption", types of corruption, methods of combating corruption. A book exhibition "Corruption is a social evil" will be organized for the event, where materials on anti–corruption state policy in Russia, anti-corruption measures, and responsibility for corruption crimes will be posted. At the end of the event, participants will receive booklets "No corruption!"