Мелекесская сельская библиотека - филиал № 13

“Yes to peace, no to terrorism”

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It is regrettable to recognize that we live in the age of terrorism. And that is why every person - adult and child - should know the essence of terrorism, its origins and possible ways of defense against it.

The librarian will help children to find answers to important questions: how to learn to live in a diverse world? What are dangerous situations? What are they like? Presentation, posters, booklets will help to understand this difficult topic.

Together with the librarian, the audience will repeat the rules of behavior in case of a threat of a terrorist act, as well as learn how to behave in such situations. A documentary movie "And the angels flew away" will be shown.

During the event, the children will honor the memory of those who died during wars and terrorist acts with a minute of silence.