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Recitation contest "the crystal Stream of their native language»

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Dear friends!

We invite you to the contest!

The regulation on the conduct of the contest .

"Tugan telem-ballur chishmam" / "Crystal Stream of the native language", dedicated to the International Day of the Native Language, within the framework of the " Year of Native Languages and National Unity»

1. General provisions :

This regulation defines the status, goals and objectives of the Competition, the terms and procedure for its conduct, the conditions for participation, summing up and awarding.

2. Goal: - increase the prestige of the native language;

3. Tasks:3.1. to promote the development of the creative and intellectual potential of the younger generation and the residents of the district, the formation of their moral and ideological, including civil and patriotic positions through the appeal to the best works in their native language;

3.2. to promote the development of speech abilities in the work on reading and reciting literary texts, to increase their motivation to improve the skills and abilities of convincing and expressive speech;

4. The Organizer Of The Contest:RMBAK "Aksubaevsky inter-settlement Central library".

5. Contest Participants:the competition is open to everyone by age category:Middle category: 10-14 years old; Youth: 15-30 years old; Adult population: 31-65.

By category: 5.1. reading a poem about the native language ( in Tatar, Russian, Chuvash)

6. Terms and procedure The competition will be held on February 16, 2021 at 10.00.

Location: RUBUK "Aksubaevsky inter-settlement Central library".

7. Terms of the Contest: 7.1. The Contest participants are invited to read one of the works of any author in verse in their native language. Attention is paid not only to the formal knowledge of the text of the poem, but also to the manner of reading (facial expressions, gestures) and artistic design.

7.2. the performance time of one participant should not exceed 3 minutes (name the author and the title of the poem).7.3. presentation and musical accompaniment of the performance are welcome.

8. Performance evaluation criteria: 1. Knowledge of the text; 2. Compliance with the norms of phonetic design of speech; 3. Performance skills (artistry, expressiveness, clarity of speech);

4. Creative approach to the design of the performance; 5. Compliance of the work with the age category.

9. The order of awarding the winners

According to the results of the Competition, the winners and prize-winners are determined and awarded with diplomas. The contest is covered in the media on the library's website and in social networks.networks.

10. Applications for participation (Appendix 1) are accepted until February 10 at the following email address: Aksu_abonement@mail.ru



"Tugan Telem-BLR cesmm" / "the crystal Stream of their native language»


Last name, first name, patronymic of the participant____________________________________________________

Date of birth_______________

Educational institution______________________ _________________________________________________________________

Home address ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Last name, first name, patronymic of the head, phone number (Who prepared the speech)__________________________________________

Title of the poem:_____________________________________________________________

Author of the poem:________________________________________________________________

I have read and agree with the rules of the contest):______________________

personal signature

"______"_______2021 d.