"Gifts of autumn-2015"

“Autumn gifts” under that name in the Central library named after. G. Tukay in 4th time at the initiative of the club of pensioners "Keeper", the society of gardeners, with the support of the Central library. G. Tukay and Russian society was organized the exhibition of the autumn harvest.
21 people lovers-workaholic, who with his own hands had planted, raised, cared for, and then gathered the harvest - presented the results of their work. Many of them shared the secrets of the rich harvest, culinary achievements, skills preservation and preparation for the long winter.
Pensioners – people are not only hardworking, but also talented. Singing poetry reading, dancing dancing, for them there is no difficulty. And at this event they showed themselves at a decent level. Even Nikonov Aleksandr Mikhailovich – Chairman of the society of Amateur gardeners expertly read the poem "the Gardener"!
While walking the event, members of the jury were involved in the assessment of the material presented. And, despite the complexity to be fair in the evaluation, as each contestant is worthy of encouragement and kind words of gratitude, the jury summed up the results. In the category "Flowers" nominated Alexandra Andreevna Zamjkina. The table, presented with flowers, vegetables, berries, preserves the jury appreciated how beautiful bouquet autumn harvest. In the nomination "the Cooking and canning" was not equal Zemfira Kalimullina Rakhimova, "Vegetables" - Lyudmila Karpova, "Berries" - Alexander M. Alanine, "Berries" - Nikonov Alexander Mikhailovich. The exhibition participants were awarded for second and third places, and for participation. So on a high note award and kind words of gratitude from the Director of the library system G. R. Arslanova completed the next meeting of the club "Keeper".

Kambeeva R. G. – head. methodical division of the Central library. G. Tukay. 5.09.2015.