We Jalil Jalil and remember

... Year we put our heads under the axe of the Nazis ergit of them is 71 years. On this day – August 25 – intelligent group: elders, local writers, representatives of community centers, librarians Tukai. in the Central library gathered those that have honored the memory of heroes-unique feat.
As Chairman of the Board, working with national organizations.P. Event organizer librarian on his performance in memorial day Dirsize Jalil, writer expressed gratitude to the local suchody to attract more young people to activities assesible what to do. The son of the elder Council recalled that Ukraine's Gil is a wise leader, Shigapov situation and keep the peace over tirelessly work that is needed. He Nizhnekamsk “the elder” of creative self a new book dedicated to Musa Dzhalil the title of “poet-warrior” of the poem. F. Abdullin headed “Kamskie Zori” alkylene members of the literary Association read poetry, and librarians, Two Jalil in a new language, which published “Selected works” book O. S.
In the event expressed their views and readers of the library. All life worked in the medical field, parents in the family, at the heart of education, Patriotic education through books Cdre Cram daughter got Civitanova strong thoroughly creativity Musa Jalil, told us about the life and feat.
The host of the event at the Central library of the head of service Department students considering NFIs Fuseina Jalil, announced a minute of silence.
In the end we all gathered in our city day the memory of its people, the monument to Musa Dzhalil in the direction of sculptors developed a writer. There were also recited poems dedicated to Musa Jalil Jalil, were laid flowers and wreaths.

R. G. Cambiaba – head of methodical Department. 26.08.2015