"And all that jazz."

14.11.2015. "Andall thatjazz."In the communication club "New horizons" took placethe creative evening of IgorKirillov: artist, musician andphilosopher. Visitors to the library werepresented: literatureabout the history ofjazz, famous musicians, as well asthe Internet publicationand a small book of memoirs. A kind ofVernissage,includingvirtual, acquaintedthe guestswith the worksof Amateurartistfantasyin an unusualmanner.Igor Borisovichmany yearshe is fond ofjazz music, atevening, heperformed a program ofclassical andcontemporarymusic inits improvisationaltreatment.In the hall there wasa friendly and relaxedatmosphere,music loverswith interest and was delightedeveryroom - the music performed withheart and soul. The audiencedidn't leave: took autographs, exchanged impressions, many visitorsare interested inthe informal and "unplugged".