Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 7

"Life is my song sounded..."

Every nation since ancient times had their heroes, talked about tales, legends and sang songs. Musa Jalil – a hero out of tales, and a true hero, a hero of his people , who managed to become a real brave soldier who stood up to defend their homeland. About the heroism of the Tatar poet-hero Musa Jalil know people all over the world. The 110th anniversary of the birth of the poet, for the students of class 4 and 5 school # 6 staff in children's library №7 held a poetry hour "Gomerim Minh monly ber in IDA..." /"Life is my song sounded..". Students remembered the life and work of the poet, which was accompanied by audio –visual presentation. The children sang a verse of M. Jalil for children "Thieving kitten", "call" etc. Librarians read the works from the cycle of poems "Moabit notebook". All in all it was attended by 47 children. During the month the event will recur for the students of other schools.

Again this event was held on January 9 in the auditorium of the school №8 for students 2 B and 4 A,4 "B" classes. The event accompanied illjustrirovannaja presentation and at the end, the guys watched a video about M. Jalil, made in the homeland of the poet.

The event takes place in the framework of "CULTURAL DIARY of the STUDENT".