Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 7

"What is the charm of these snowflake"

Today, a fascinating event took place in school №8 for 1 "B" class as part of the literary club "Art After school" called "What is the charm of these snowflake".
In the beginning of the event the children learned many interesting facts about snow.
Acquainted with the life and work of two children's writers B. Zakhoder and M. Plackowska. Listened to the stories of Plackowska "Daisies in January" and "What is winter"; poems Zakhoder "Tale" and "bad cat".
The creative part of the event amounted to a master class in the technique of quilling snowflake. 
The guys learned a lot, learned to work in the technique of quilling for the first time acquainted with the work of B. Zakhoder and M. Plackowska.