Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 7

"If a friend came in the way"

On 27 July in the Park reading and relaxing in the name of G. Tukai was held an entertainment program for the Day of Friendship called "If a friend came in the way."

The event was attended by the boys, true friends, who could prove it and tell you what is real friendship. After that, all was written by the guys in the paper "Daisy". 

In the beginning of the event, the participants expressed their opinion how to be a real friend.

The boys participated in a literary quiz and guessed, works in which the characters were very friendly.

Then was staged a small comic scene "Two friends". There was also a game "What's your friend?", the gist of it was that two people remember the appearance of each other, then turns backs and in turn tell how each looks.

In the event, the children read the statements about what a friendship and together sang the song "If another came in the way."