Городская библиотека - филиал № 5

Structure of the Library

Library structure: reading-room, subscription, book fund. A sorority works is "Inspiration", where Galina Vasilievna conducts the masterclasss of Малофеева. Annually a library serves more than 5100 readers.
A book fund makes are 37000 editions.
New receivabless for 2014 are 1500 editions.
Amount of the names of periodicals - 30.
An incurrence of landings places is in reading-rooms - 25.


The fund of reading-room is completed branch and artistic literature in a help to education and self-education, business reading, organization of leisure.

The universal fund of reading-room includes literature for the different groups of users :

- encyclopaedic, certificate, dictionary editions, fiction;

are subscription editions;

are regional editions



Works in the mode of open access to the fund, serves users from 15-тилетнего age, carries out individual and collective maintenance of readers, delivery of works to printing and other documents for the use out of library.

Universal book fund it: popular magazines, works of local authors, regional literature and literature for leisure.

Elucidative activity

- book are illustrative exhibitions;

are reviews of literature;

are excursions;

are Days of bibliography;

are evenings-presentations;

are reader conferences