Городская библиотека - филиал № 5

Exhibition of good books "You know we are close"

At the end of1992, the General Assembly of the United Nationsproclaimed 3 Decemberas the International dayof persons with disabilities.Andfor more than 20 yearsin all countries of theworld marks the international dayof persons with disabilities.It is intended to draw attention to the problems of peoplewithdisabilities,protection of their rights, dignityand welfareto support these people, ensuring their fulland equal participationin society. To the day of persons with disabilitiesin the readingroom of the librarywasdecoratedexhibition ofgoodbooks "You knowwe're close" / "MinsesnebeenANS". The exhibition presentsmaterialsfrom Newspapersand magazines, the work of writersabout the disabled, as well asthe poetry and proseof writers- invalidsF.Yarullin, I.Khairullin, M.Loginova, E.Asadov.