Городская библиотека семейного чтения - филиал № 48


       1. Providing temporary use of any document from library collections. 
       2. Provision of documents or copies of them on interlibrary loan from other libraries. 
       3. Provision of reading rooms in the library. 
       4. Provide advice in finding and selecting sources of information. 
       5. Provision of information about items in the Library of their interest publications and materials. 
       6. Preparation of bibliographies and references on one-time requests of readers. Making copies (with a possible increase or decrease the size of copies) of books, pamphlets, newspapers, magazines, documents from the library. 
       7. Carrying out activities to promote reading, improve information culture, recreation and the promotion of different areas of knowledge. Members Library Family Reading number 48 have the opportunity to receive information from the Internet, use e-mail and modem connection to the National Library of the Republic of Tajikistan.