Городская библиотека семейного чтения - филиал № 48

Holiday neighbors involving family reading librery number 48, representatives of CTOC districts №№ 22б 23 June 9, 2015

               Holiday neighbors involving family reading librery number 48, representatives of CTOC districts №№ 22, 23 June 9, 2015    

          Festival was held for the residents of the neighborhood neighbors №№ 22, 23. It has already become a good tradition to participate in the festivities. Held in the districts №№ 22, 23. Do not stay aside this yar, offering its facilities and services. Since June 9, 2015  Library Family Reading number 48 took an active part in the celebration of neighborhoods, dedicated to the Day of Vsemirnogmy neigbors, who united the inhabitans of neighboods №№ 22, 23.

             The main organizers of the festival were: the Deputy District number 11 - Muzipova G.A? chairmen CTOC districts №№ 22, 23, creative collectives ''TANECO'' pupils of kindergartens №№ 73, 77. Cheerful music, childrens laughter raised the mood and created a festive atmosphere. 

             Mothers, fathers and their childrens gladly participated in sports and puzzles waiting for Library Quiz cartoons and fairy tales, as a result of which, of course won the friendship.

             The older boys excitedly included in the environmental Quest-game "Take your yard''. 

             In terms of teams play  had to list the names of all the trees and shrubs growing in the neighborhood where they live. Then, the children  were given bags and offered for 15 minutes to clear the area near the lying of debris. In the library he was assigned responsbility for the organization of children during the holiday, holding librery quizzes and competitions. 

             Of no less interest was the library Sale - Bukkrossing: children enthusiastically reviews books and magazines. and adult had the opportunity to own and thus enroll their children to the library and get the right information, and receive a gift favorite book. 

            Here at the Holiday wishes to become readers of the library! During the Feast of the library staff distributed Advertising bukletv about the librery and its services. It is encouraging that children and adults were not as spectators, but are actively taking part in all activities.

            The purpose of participation in the Festival of the library: the promotion of books and reading among the inhabitans of the city of Nizhnekamsk, improving the image of libraries, strengthening partnerships, attracting new readers.

            Holiday neighbors - a bright, cheerful  event, which helped to bring people together and create a positive mood. During the campaing - Bukkrosing - 100 books.