Городская библиотека семейного чтения - филиал № 48

Campaign: " The book is the hospital"

            Сampaning:"The book is in the hospital"

          June 18, 2015 at the event: "The book is in the hospital", the Year of  Literature and  library staff visited patiens at Childrens Hospital № 2. 

          Head Librery number 48 Muschinina E.P. interviewed about why you need to dream and how it helps us in life.

          I invite the children to draw what they dream and what they want, as well as positive emotions, which will help them to recover more quickly. Employees issued college "Tree of Dreams" and placed the drewing and wishes for  "tree".

          Staff dressed in costumes Chanterelles, Murzilki, responsible for good mood kids entertained them with jokes, riddles and poems.

          "Murzilka" held a literary quiz "On a visit to Uspensky and his friends", where children actively participated, received prizes.

          A pleasant surprise for the children was the fact that librations are presented to each participant of the event informative magazine.

          As a master-class on making jewelry from silicone rezinochek.

          The emergence of hospital librarians holding receptions promote books and reading are fully capable of making leisure young patients interesting, useful and intellectually rich.