Городская библиотека семейного чтения - филиал № 48

Literary-ecological hour for the children of midchildhood of camps of schools № 26, 28,29,34 Stage 1.

            Library Emvironment hour for primary school children school camps schools number 26, 28, 29 and 34 gymnasia.

            For World Environtment Day was held Literary Environmental hour "Nature has given us no reason for evil - for good works". 

            Leading invited the guys to go to the wonderful and unique world of nature and literature, where they wainted for games and activities.

            Against the background of the multimedia presentation  was read limerick E.Uspenskogo of the globe.

            Then began E. Koliteraturnaya game: "Wounders of Nature", consisting of slages.

             Stage 1. "Multicoloured nature". The children answer the question - "What is the word to put to get the name of the work?"

             Stage 2. The author and his "green heroes". Say that connects author of the work and plants.

             Stage 3. Amazing transformation. Guys guess riddles of nature.

             Stage 4. Mysteries of Nature. Answer questions from books Yu Dmitrieva "books of nature", J. Larry "The Adventures of Carica and Wali "I. Akimushkin "World of Animals". 

             Stage 5. Bird calls. Children respond to questions about the book N.Sladkova "Spring joy".

             There was a presentation of "Parks of Kazan" dedicated to the Year of parks and gardens in the Republic of Tatarstan.

              Next leading noticed the guys on the permanent exhibition "Nature we have one", one of the sections ofwhich is the "Parks of Tatarstan". 

               Pereodicheskih have reviewed publications and books about nature, animals, birds. insects...