Городская библиотека семейного чтения - филиал № 48

"Do you know?".

What did the Soviet army soldiers eat ?
"A hungry soldier is a bad soldier" - this axiom is known to generals and military leaders since ancient times. A soldier's ration is not just a small joy that allows soldiers to get enough, it also reminds them that they are not forgotten and taken care of. This gives you confidence and keeps your morale up. A small but well-fed army may well defeat a superior but less well-fed opponent. During the great Patriotic war, the main Directorate of the red army's rear was responsible for catering.
The soldier was to receive 800 grams of bread, 500 grams of potatoes, 170 grams of cabbage, 140 grams of cereals, 150 grams of meat, 100 grams of fish, 35 grams of sugar, 30 grams of fat, and 20 grams of sunflower oil per day.
Recall that before the start of the war on the European territory of Russia there were warehouses with stocks of canned food, but they could not be saved, as the rapidly advancing Germans captured them.
During the campaign the soldiers ate