Городская библиотека семейного чтения - филиал № 48

History bibliopanorama "my fate was touched by Arsk".

Today, within the framework of the "ABC of Tatarstan" project, the staff of the library of family reading 48 held a local History bibliopanorama "my fate was touched by Arsk".
The event was held on the basis of the library.G. Tukaya. The presenters told about the Arsk municipal district, its history, sights, and famous personalities, including the great Tatar poet Gabdulla Tukai.
During the event, songs and poems dedicated to this area were played.
The event was attended by many guests-natives and natives of Arsk . Among them, honored worker of education Mingazov Sufiyan, 1st Secretary of the district Committee of the Komsomol Sultanova Limara, journalist Nurisa gabdullina and many others.
The poet Alfiya Yudina told the audience about her Arsk roots and read her poems dedicated to the Arsk land.
Was made by a member of the Union of Writers of Tatarstan Nurse Mirazova. On behalf of the staff of kindergarten 39 and Kama tannary, she greeted archans and congratulated Sufiyan Mingazov on the publication