Городская библиотека семейного чтения - филиал № 48

Fairy-tale booth “Country of Miracles and Magic”, dedicated to the 235th birthday of the storyteller J. Grimm.

Today for the children the first meeting was held in the cognitive and leisure club “ChiP” (“Read and Know”) a fairy-tale booth “Country of Miracles and Magic”, dedicated to the 235th birthday of the storyteller J. Grimm.
Fairy tales are loved by all children: magic and adventures captivate, entertain and teach good and justice. The tests began for the guys. Children with interest and excitement participated in the quiz, comic questions and contests. At the end of the event, the librarian thanked the participants for their knowledge of the Grimm brothers' tales and held a workshop “Magic Umbrella”. The guys with great enthusiasm created their fabulous umbrella. The journey to the fairy tale is over, but the fairy tale always remains with the reader, you just have to take a book in the library, open it and read it.