Городская библиотека семейного чтения - филиал № 48

Seminar of library workers.

January 22 at the Central Library. G. Tukai held a seminar of library workers.
During the seminar, the results of the activities of all library branches for 2019 were summed up.
An analysis of the work of children's and rural libraries with children over the year was also carried out, innovative forms of work in rural libraries were actively discussed. Colleagues shared and shared their experience, new forms and methods of work.
Also, new employees of the library system were not left without attention. For them, a “biblio-ring” was organized on the knowledge of library catalogs and the LBC.
At the end of the seminar, representatives of several branches shared information and a summary of modern books read with colleagues in print format. New items were presented in an accessible and interesting way, using visual material and a multimedia presentation.