Городская библиотека семейного чтения - филиал № 48

Literaturnye "Victor Dragunsky - childhood friend".

Taking part in the Interregional network action to promote reading "childhood Friend-Victor Dragoon ", which is dedicated to the 60th anniversary of "Deniskin stories" for students 3 "a" class of school 26 held a literary hour. A presentation on the life and work of Viktor Yuzefovich Dragunsky, a Soviet novelist and author of popular stories for children, was presented to the audience.
The guys met with two of his stories "Exactly 25 kilos" (audiobook) and "Secret becomes clear"(loud reading).
The attention of children was presented to a colorful book-illustrative exhibition " the Book is the best friend!". After the event, students with interest read and viewed the books on it. For children communication with kind, funny, instructive stories of V. Dragunsky is a lesson of emotional culture, education of feelings and communication with peers.