Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 47

"If the soul was born winged..."

The poetry day was prepared and held in a poetic hour, dedicated to Marina Tsvetaeva. Poetic hour began with listening to the songs written on words of the poetess. Then he talked about his childhood Tsvetaeva, its first steps in the poetic world of compilations, released in his youth. Read and analyzed the poem "Grandmother", "the Book in a red cover", "Mother", "Our Kingdom". Listened to the poems, "Motherland", "My poems, written so early", which the boys have memorized. Guys with interest watched the slides with photos of the city of Yelabuga, and getting to know places, where Marina Tsvetaeva lived in the last days of his life. Also in the presentation that the boys watched while poetic hours were included slides with photos of the memorial complex, opened in this city, dedicated to the memory of Marina Tsvetaeva.