Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 47

"Knizhkin Dom welcomes guys!"

On this day, the library was given a tour of the library with  kids of d/garden №25. During the tour the students were told what a library is, what does the word "library", the concept of a subscription, reading room, library form, the exhibition, I learned that there is such a profession – a librarian. Preschoolers with great pleasure was looking through magazines and books. Because the library has books for every taste: poems, tales, albums with pictures, books about animals and adventures. And there are very useful books, dictionaries, reference books and encyclopedias. Here they learned about how to behave in the library and the rules of handling books. 

The kids really liked the children's library. They promised to be good and careful readers, and often to come in book Kingdom. And at the end of the tour, the children had a surprise session cartoon in Tatar folk tale "Three daughters". Altsean brought children joy, they with great interest and attention the progress of the action and regretted that quickly it was over.

In memory of the meeting children were invited to visit the library.