Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 47

"The dark days of Beslan"

The day of Solidarity in fight against terrorism held a video-requiem dedicated to the memory of the Beslan tragedy. 

For this event were a presentation on "Beslan, we remember" music video "Mama, I really want to live...", a book exhibition " The bell has sounded the alarm" and invited pupils 5 "a" class school № 16. 

The event began with a poem by R. Okuneva "Cihat –Holy war?". After listening to the poem the children answered the questions- "what is this poem About?", "Why raised this issue?" 

Then talked about terrorism. Given the definition of "terror", "terrorism", "terrorist", and discussed what the purpose of terrorism, what they bring to society and how to avoid becoming a victim of a terrorist attack. Remember any major terrorist attacks occurred in our country and elaborated on the most horrible and barbaric crime of the terrorist seizure of school No. 1 in Beslan. 

The boys told how they were preparing for the holiday on 1 September, in what mood and what hopes they walked in that first day of school. I watched the slides on the screen as the other children in our country was celebrated on the 1st of September, this celebration brought together people of Beslan, what a joyful and elegant were the children and their parents at the school and waited for the beginning of a solemn ruler. and all this in an instant turned into a big tragedy. 

Students of class 5 and with bated breath listened and watched a presentation on the terrorist seizure of the Beslan school, that within two and a half days was held in the building with the bombs hostages in difficult conditions, denying people even the minimal satisfaction of natural needs, and when viewing the music video "Mama, I really want to live"-many eyes filled with tears.

 A minute of silence in memory of the victims.