Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 47

Give chamomile a favorite

Book exhibition at the all-Russian day of family and loyalty and consists of 3 sections:

- "Yeah yeah"


"The recipes of family happiness."

Quote: Family is the warmest place on earth.

The immortal works of the great masters words remind about the amazing, delicate and nagging, dreamy and doomed, passionate love stories, "Romeo and Juliet" by William Shakespeare, "hearts of three" D. London, "First love" by I. Turgenev "Scarlet sails" A. green. A book of opticology relationship and family education will tell you the answers to the questions of life: "the ABCs of family life", Family:500 questions and answers", "to Help parents in the upbringing of children, etc.H.Dobson "don't be afraid to be strict", S. I. varuhina "the Origins of kindness" and more.

The book fair offered 29 copies of books and magazines, a file of the newspaper "My Family", where you can read about the family, about parenting, about the traditions of family life, of love and devotion.