Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 37

"The journey from "Recess" to "Agrodome" to the 95th anniversary of the magazine "Murzilka"

"The image Murzilki sounds familiar,

Red hat, tricolor scarf,

Always hurrying to the children of special forces.

Advanced age, advanced age,

But for the guys always restless,

Funny, funny and expensive,

And in my heart forever you are a hero!"...

"Murzilka" is a popular children's literary and artistic magazine. Published since may 1924 and addressed to children from 6 to 12 years. In 95 years of existence of the beloved children's magazine release is not interrupted even once. A unique opportunity to get acquainted with this wonderful magazine appeared at students of Lyceum №14, 2 "B" class in our library. With the help of a slide presentation, the children were told the history of the "Murzilka" and introduced to other interesting magazines available in the library. Children gladly answered questions and shared their impressions about this magazine. Guests looked brownie "Kuzya", which told the fictional story is not about the book Depository of the library.