Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 37

"Manage to see the silence"

"Being born, from the first breath, from the first minute of life we all inherit, for life use a huge world – our beautiful planet named Earth»… Today for pupils of Lyceum No. 14, 2 "D" the informative hour with viewing of videos about the nature "was carried out Manage to see silence". The children took part in viewing the educational video "the 10 paradoxes of nature," where the mysteries of nature: the "Ghost" trees, "pink lake" and the geological phenomenon of "crawling" rocks. The children also watched a fascinating cartoon about the Professor "Pochemuchka", which answered many of their questions: "What is the mushroom poisonous?", "Why does a spider weave a web? and why the dandelion "umbrellas"? at the end of the event the children were introduced to the book exhibition.