Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 37

insomnia on mount Olympus

Theaters are a separate world in which you are immersed and held captive until the end of the play. The theater is like a live broadcast, there will be no second, fifth, tenth take. It is dedicated to the theater Biblionoch – 2019 in our city. Two halls of the Central library was Packed with residents. They were both spectators and actors at the same time. Expect applause and applause is when the game really will be on the level, and the actor fully get used to the role. Every sixth-grader of the TATARSTAN cadet corps of the Volga Federal district. Hero of the Soviet Union Gani Safiullina who took part in the all-Russian action from the heart got used to the role of a strong Gladiator. But the most persistent and strongest was the world champion of the modern maciamo battle Artemy Sipiagin, a graduate of the Venus Seyfullaeva – MBU teacher of additional education "Station of children and youth tourism and excursions". City children's library №37 organized a journey through time and moved the audience to mount Olympus, where in addition to gladiatorial combat beautiful muses inspired guests to diction exercises, choreographic performances, pantomime puzzles. The atmosphere of ancient Greece created the colorful music, the costumes, the music, the trappings of the era. Very informative information about the theater, the history of the actor and the tasks of the audience was naturally woven into the entire course of the evening. Book facts interested not only the children's audience, but also adults accompanying. Biblionoch – 2019 is over, but the impressions of the "sleepless night" on mount Olympus will remain in the memory of citizens for a long time.