Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 37


In order to acquaint young readers from the Lyceum 14, 5"G" class, with the world of feathered friends, to instill a kind and caring attitude to birds, to cause a desire to help them in the winter and during their arrival in their native land, in the Park of reading and rest Of Tukai was held a quiz game "Bird Bazaar".


During the event, the children learned about migratory and wintering birds, got acquainted with educational books and magazines about birds, actively answered the questions of the quiz "All about birds", "From the life of birds". Guessed riddles "What kind of bird? Guess!". Played outdoor games "Sparrows and crows", "Land, water, air", "Sovushka". Finding the birds on the photos and enjoyed listening to good and instructive tale Javad Tarzimanov "Saltpan", which tells about the wise woodpecker tap-tap - the bogeyman and his little grandson