Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 37

"Master of smile" for the Day of laughter

Today is not an easy day,
Day today mischievous.

Be careful, look

In your deceit, do not fall!

On the day of the April fun

Don't forget the adventure.

This holiday is so good,

What you don't like!


April fools Day humor, April fool's Day, a Day of fun and practical jokes. In Italy this day is called "day of fools", in England — "Day of merry deceptions", in Scotland — "Day of cuckoos", in Japan — "Day of dolls", in the USA — "Day of fools".

On this day, the library held a literary hour on the books of V. Yu. Dragunsky "Master of smile".

Victor Dragunsky wrote for children, creating a wonderful world of sunbeams, sparkling eyes and sonorous children's laughter. Bright, joyful and unique world where there is no place for boredom and despondency.

The audience was presented a presentation about the history of the "Day of laughter". Then children with pleasure took part in various quizzes and competitions: "Pantomimes", "the Best cartoon", "tongue Twisters", "Riddles", "Shifters". And also read aloud "Deniskin stories" Dragunsky.

Ended literary hour that guys faked one of his short stories and received from it huge pleasure and many positive emotions.