Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 37

"The white camomile day"

Every year on the 24th of March, around the world held a Day of struggle against tuberculosis. It was on this day in 1882 in Berlin, the German biologist Robert Koch announced his discovery of Mycobacterium-the causative agent of tuberculosis, later named in honor of the scientist Koch's wand.
A symbol of the fight against tuberculosis has long been a white Daisy. The idea of White flower Day was born in Switzerland. It is a day of unselfishness, human kindness and love for one's neighbor. In this regard, our library together with kindergarten No. 33 decided to take part in the action "Day of a white Daisy", distributing to passersby of our residential district, white daisies and spheres made by hands of children.