Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 37

"Magical world behind the scenes"

Today at the library, third graders joy knew no bounds. A Day of puppet theatre, they met with a Bear - a hand puppet, which was led by a real actor youth theatre. Mishutka together with the librarian and children on the time machine looked into ancient Greece, got acquainted with the gods and muses, learned about the most unusual theaters and their varieties. The electronic presentation showed the main components, without which there is no performance. Special revival began when a real actor helped to transform the students into a bear or grandfather, to perform abstract movements, are asked to play a "Mirror", "guess the emotion", "In the cinema" and other Children interested in acting appearances, theatrical secrets, where you learn the profession of artist. No one wanted to leave the library even after the autograph. The year of the Theatre continues and we don't tell our users: "Finita La Commedia," but only: "To new meetings".