Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 37

"Everything on Earth from mother's hands" to international women's day

"Everything on earth from mother's hands" - under this name organized and held a holiday neighborhood in the city children's library №37.
The sunniest day of March gathered in the library lovely ladies who are not indifferent to reading and involved in the education of children. The festive mood was created by the kids from kindergarten №33, who sang songs about maternal kindness and told poems about caring grandmothers. A special emotion was caused by a fairy tale in the Tatar language "Whose mother is the best", shown by children in the costumes of forest animals. Beautiful poems about the woman-mother excited not only the ladies present, but also the only man. The father accompanying the children congratulated everyone on March 8 and expressed his gratitude to the organizers of the holiday. Also, warm words were expressed by the guests of the holiday, among whom was the Chairman of the STOs Klenkova Zhanna Aleksandrovna. She also gave the children sweet gifts.