Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 37

"Tales found in the grass" to the 125th anniversary of V. V. Bianchi

B. Bianchi - a man in love with nature, and like no one else knows it. He devoted his life to the description of the mysterious and unique world of the forest and its inhabitants. Children from MBDOU No. 33 listened with interest to the biography of the author, which was presented through the presentation. We learned what fairy tales are, as well as what he wrote, and who were the heroes of the works of V. Bianchi. We looked at the pages of the book "Lesnaya Gazeta", one of his famous books. During the event, children were riddled with riddles about birds and insects. Children enjoyed listening to the audio book "Fox and mouse", " whose nose is better?". After listening to the audio book, pre-school students were given the task to answer questions on the content, which they coped with. At the end of the event, our young readers were invited to draw and paint a mouse from the work.