Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 37

"Melodious storyteller" to the 90th anniversary of R.Hafizova

On February 6, in the secondary school No. 33 in the 4 "G" class, a literary and educational hour was held, dedicated to the work of Rosa Khafizova. The organized informational regiment: “Kurai mokily Kkiyatche apa” attracted much attention. Pupils through the presentation received information about the life and work of the writer, poetess, journalist, editor, Honored Worker of Culture of the TASSR and the RSFSR. The children emotionally and cheerfully read aloud the fairy tale "Mactanchyk chineyk" ("The boastful kettle") and guessed the fabulous riddles. Everyone really liked the cartoon in the Tatar language based on a folk tale.