Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 37

"Hot snow of the 42nd"

Again memory returns back,
Those soldiers who defended Stalingrad.
Those whose youth is scorched by war,
Those who still came home. 

To the 76th anniversary of the battle of Stalingrad was held hour of memory " Hot snow of the 42nd." Told that the battle of Stalingrad-the decisive battle of the Second world war, in which Soviet troops won the biggest victory. This battle marked the beginning of a radical turning point during the great Patriotic war. The victorious offensive of Nazi troops ended and their expulsion from the territory of the Soviet Union began.
The story was accompanied by a presentation, as well as a book and illustrative exhibition "Memory of great deeds". Then the children went on a virtual tour of Mamayev Kurgan. We watched a documentary video about children-heroes of Stalingrad, that since the beginning of the war childhood for them is over, and they carried all the hardships of the war on a par with adults. In conclusion, the guys asked questions on this topic.