Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 37

"For every page I step as if over the threshold"

Whatever it is - a treasure!
Tales of grandfather Bazhov
Knows now old and young! 

On January 25, we made an amazing journey to the world of tales of this great Ural writer. We met with his work. To reach the hostels of the Mistress of Copper Mountain, you need to take a fast train and cross a huge distance from Siberia to the Urals. And here, through a presentation, we are racing across the vast expanses of our Motherland to the place where weird, fantastic tales were created. PPBazhov created a wonderful book, which he called the "Malachite Box". It was pleasant for all the guys to meet or remember the stories of Bazhov: about the native Urals, about talented masters of the past, about kind, curious children, whose life was poor and difficult, about amazing fairy-tale heroes who guarded the secrets and treasures of the Urals