Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 37

"Both writer and artist"

Today, January 10, but only 90 years ago, in the city of Kazan in the family of logging engineer Ivan Alexandrov twins were born: Tanya and Natasha. Their mother worked as a doctor and often stayed on night duty. The sisters lived with the nanny Matrushenko (Matrona Feodorovna, the Tsar). As A. S. Pushkin in his time were inspired by the tales of nanny Arina Rodionovna and Tannate (the so-called girls, because to distinguish between the twins is impossible) enjoyed listening to stories of goblins and hobgoblins. Matrona about these characters sang songs and read poems. The twins enjoyed drawing these tales illustrate. How soon, how long, but the family moved to Moscow Alexander's. The girls came to the art Studio and fell under the wing of a talented theater artist and teacher, an amazing woman – Tatyana Alexandrovna Lugovskaya. Under her leadership, the passion moved into the profession. Having successfully finished VGIK, Tatiana first worked for "Soyuzmultfilm", then taught at the pedagogical Institute, led the Studio at the Palace of pioneers, and during the war was a kindergarten teacher. And everywhere the TALE follows. Ten fairy tales for "Chest with books" and eight school textbooks for "Toy school" Tatiana Alexandrova herself and wrote and painted. And to its next published fairy tale — "Katya in the toy city" — the poet Valentin Berestov, Tatyana Ivanovna's husband, composed verses. So this book has two authors at once. And, finally, in 1977 to readers came domovenok Kuzka with the entire other fun-loving and good evil spirits. Thanks Berestov today we can take great pleasure watching these ANIMATED FILMS:

Return domovenka. Rezh. A. Zyablikova. Computer. M. Meerovich. USSR, 1987.

House for Kuzka. Rezh. A. Zyablikova. Computer. I. Efremov. USSR, 1984.

Adventures brownie. Rezh. A. Zyablikova. Computer. M. Meerovich. USSR, 1985.

Tale for Natasha. Rezh. A. Zyablikova. Computer. M. Meerovich. USSR, 1986.

And in our library, which is located at the address: Korabelnaya str. 21 " B " you will find fascinating books by T. I. Alexandrova and her daughter Galina.