Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 37

"History of the book"

I'm all the people that work on the book.,

Love, respect and appreciate.

And books — I have a lot of them

On bookshelf carefully keep —

For the time being the book will become the book,

A long way to go it must,

And how much knowledge is required different,

Labor, concerns, to was born she!

And will become to live in people book this,

Conversing with your reader.

Source of joy, source of life, knowledge,

Love her! To read give to others!

((Where Muhammad)

Today in our library for the 4th class was held a library lesson on " the history of the book." The children were shown a slide presentation "how the book appeared and what it consists of". The children were found in the proposed sources of sayings and Proverbs about books. At the end of the event we were happy to answer the questions: what is a cover? The flyleaf? Foreword?